“The Garden Of The World Has No Limits Except What Is In Your Mind”

This may look like a clump of weeds to some, but, to others, this is one of Wyoming’s most beautiful and finest wildflowers. In the Spring, our country sides are filled with it turning hills and prairies into purple and blue…and sometimes even white. Here’s to the precious and magnificent “Wyoming Lupine”.

“To Plant A Tree Is To Believe In Tomorrow”

We planted this Radiant Crab Apple tree in 1988. It’s amazing how much it’s been through. For every year and season, it tells a story. From everything that’s effected it from harsh Wyoming winters and spring storms (and even a tornado) to it’s Spring and Summer peace and radiance, it just keeps on growing and living….a true message to “keep on keeping on” no matter the gifts and the struggle.

“Where Spring Blooms, There Is Hope”

Happy First Day Of Spring 2020, Everyone! With a hard winter and hard health challenges facing mankind this year with Coronavirus Covid-19, it’s been challenging at times to believe there is “hope” for better tomorrows and better seasons. However, “nature” and a bigger power tells us differently. In all of their wonder, they shoot out messages to us every day if we only stop, look more closely, and listen. With that said, take comfort in this beautiful passage and never give up…
Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.” ~Romans 12:12