“When Winter Calls The Heart”

On January 1st, 2021,  my hubby and I traveled to Pinedale, Wyoming. We thought it would be a cool way to celebrate the new year and work on a new Wyoming Winter Lake portfolio idea that I had. My first photo opportunity was this beautiful and serene section of Pine Creek (pictured above). Little did we know that a few hours later after spending a little time in this area that my husband would have a heart attack and life and our plans would change in a literal heartbeat. He was flown to Casper, Wyoming where an awesome team of Cardiologists saved his life by putting in 9 stents on two different days. Since that time, my hubby has had his ups and downs on his recovery, but, not once has he ever gave up. I call him a “walking miracle”. All I know is  every single day is a blessing we cherish and we thank God, his Angels, the doctors, and  our family and friends for being there every step of the way of this journey. With that said, I dedicate this photo, “When Winter Calls The Heart”, to my hubby, Brian S. Collar, for never giving up and once again, showing me and the world to always stay strong, fight, and never let anyone and anything convince you differently. 

~Dedicated to Brian S. Collar~